About Us

At Pilates Lab we believe in results and science.

Pilates Lab focuses on evidence-based contemporary Pilates incorporating and building upon classical Pilates repertoire to address patterns and pains of the modern era (i.e. tech neck)

Pairing Pilates based on strength training principles with proven biohacking technologies such as: Theralight 360+whole-body light therapy, NuCalm sound healing and Power Plate ensures optimal results across the board.

“The definition of biohacking is anything done to improve the qualities and capabilities of a living organism. I believe Pilates is the original form of biohacking, in terms of keeping your spine flexible/younger than your biological age. When we pair this movement with modern-day proven modalities such as the Theralight 360+ for full-body light therapy, NuCalm for neuroacoustic sound healing and Power Plate precisionwave technology for muscle mass and bone density we have a winning recipe for super human health in mind and body.”

— Shannon Barbaro, Pilates Lab Founder